The Magic Rug
By Catherine Barnier


Chapter 1:  Alice Meets Rug

Chapter 2:  Rug's First Adventure

Chapter 3:  Rug's Second Adventure

Chapter 4:  Alice's Problem and Alice Wakes Up!

Chapter 5:

Chapter 1:  Alice Meets Rug

One day Alice was at her grandmother's house and was asked to help mend a very important rug.  It had been in the family for generations.  So of course she would help.  After two hours they had, I mean Alice and her grandparent had to stop because it was dinner time..  Then she had to go to bed.
Then after about one hour Alice heard some creaking in the hall.  She was really scared but then then creaking stopped and the door opened!  It was a figure that she had never seen before.  It was a big square figure like of the the patio door.  Maybe the rug that she and her grandparent had sewn that day!  Then the figure talked!
"Pssst, hey Alice, it's me you know the rug you sewed up today."
Alice was shocked at what she heard.  "You, yyyou are the carpet I I I I mean rug I I mean my grandmother and I sewed today!"
"I can't believe it."
"Yeah, that's what all of the others said.  Opps!"
"Others huh?  Well I want to hear about them.  So spit it out!"
The rug fell onto the floor.  Suddenly she realized what had happened.  She had yelled "spit it out" and her grandmother was coming down the hall to scold her for staying up so long.  But then she stopped and she saw the rug by Alice's door.  She just smiled and said to herself. "I'm glad Alice likes this rug."

Chapter 2:  Rug's First Adventure

"Rug?" said Alice.  "Tell me about your latest adventure."
"O.K., it was really tough but we..."
"Wait a minute you went on the mission with somebody?"
"Well, yes and no.  You see our version of somebody is thread."
"O.K. so you went on the mission with some thread?"
"Exactly!  Boy, you sure learn quickly."
"So who was it?"
"It was your grandmother.
"Yes.  If it weren't for your grandmother I wouldn't be hear right now and I promised her that I would take her grandchild that is your age when I meet her and she has to be eight and you are eight and I just met you so you must..."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah.  But where did you go?  What was it like?  And what did you eat?"
"Well, we went to Hawaii.  It was really hot and I ate leaves."
Yeah, yeah yeah.  But what did my grandmother eat?"
"Well ... this I don't know much about but I do know she ate coconuts and coconut juice."
"O.K., so my grandmother ate coconuts and you ate leaves."
"Well I was wondering if you would like to see a picture of Hawaii.  I mean a picture of your grandmother and me in Hawaii?
"Well sure, O.K.."
"Here it is."
"Wow!  I want to go on an adventure with you."
"O.K., here we go."

Chapter 3:  Rug's Second Adventure

They flew to Hawaii and arrived in Hawaii very soon.  As soon as they were over the Island of Hawaii, Alice landed with a clump.  She looked up and she saw that rug was torn!  Oh, what was she going to do?  She went door to door asking for help and everybody said they were to busy or didn't know how to sew.  She decided to sit by the ocean and then a mermaid popped out of the ocean and said "I can help you."
"What!" said Alice. "You can?!"
"Of course," she said.  She came back with seaweed and a sharp and very skinny stone and said "Bring me the rug."
Alice returned with rug in her hands.
The mermaid started sewing up rug.  She was finished very soon.
Alice was on her way back home when the clouds turned completely black.  Then she heard her mother's voice saying "Alice, Alice, wake up!"
The she found out that it was all a dream.

The End